Saturday, September 19, 2009

How about a Pizza Party?

Around our house we LOVE making a quick tasty pizza on Saturdays. This is one simple and fairly fast homemade pizza. Start to finish about 1.5 hours. So forget delivery pizza and make your own. You can use this dough for any type of toppings, be we personally LOVE this tomato sauce because we make it with tomatoes from our garden.

Pizza Margherita...Here is the recipe:
Dough: 2 3/4c. All-purpose flour
2 T. cornstarch
2 tsp. sugar
1 1/2 tsp. table salt
1 1/4 tsp. instant dry yeast
1 cup warm water

Pizza Sauce:
2 T. Olive Oil
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 can crushed tomatoes
Salt & Pepper

Directions for dough:
Combine flour, cornstarch, sugar, salt and yeast together. Mix until blended. Add warm water while mixer is on low. Combine for 2 minutes or until all dough is thoroughly combined and pulled away from edges of bowl. Allow to sit for 2 minutes and then mix once more for 30 seconds. Remove from bowl and place in lightly greased bowl and cover with greased plastic wrap. Allow to rise in warm area for 1 to 1 ½ hours. Until the dough has doubled in size.

**Preheat your oven with your baking stone in it to 500 degrees for 30 minutes.**This is the key to making a GREAT pizza at home!

Directions for sauce:
Cook the oil and garlic together in a pan over medium heat until sizzling and fragrant. About 1 ½ minutes. Stir in the tomatoes and simmer until the sauce is thickened, about 15 minutes. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Once finished add ¼ c. fresh basil, gently stir until combined.

Directions for pizza:
Remove dough from bowl onto a lightly floured surface and divide into two balls. While working with one dough ball place the other in greased bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Using a rolling pin roll dough out until it is very thin about 14” pizza. Once the dough is to the desired size place on a clean parchment paper on a backing sheet. Then begin by placing the red sauce on the pizza until 1” from the edge. Place olive oil around the crust of the pizza. Remove from baking sheet sliding the pizza and the parchment paper onto the baking stone that is HOT in the oven. Cook for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and place 1 c. of sliced fresh mozzarella cheese on top. Return to oven for another 4-5 minutes until cheese is slightly cooked but warm through. Remove from heat and place on baking sheet and add tsp. Olive oil, ¼ c. fresh basil and coarse salt. Serve hot. Repeat process for the other pizza dough. ENJOY!!!


  1. Do you can your own tomatoes? Or do you use freshly chopped?

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  3. I am in love with this recipe- it is going to become my new homemade pizza dough. My husband and daughter were loving it too!!

  4. Can these crusts be made up ahead of time and frozen? If so, would they need to be frozen before or after the rise?
