Monday, September 14, 2009

Buttermilk Biscuit Mistake

Ahhh!! I am sorry to anyone who followed the recipe below for the Buttermilk Biscuit recipe. We were on vacation when I made that post and the scratch piece of paper we had the recipe on had one of the ingredients down wrong. The buttermilk should be 3/4 c. instead of 1/4 c. If any of you tried to make them and they didn't turn out right, this would be why--sorry! Try them again, they really are worth trying and are a great food storage recipe (now that it is corrected!). Good luck :)


  1. Please let your readers know that Wise Food Storage (Freeze-dried, just add water meals) are only $79.99 a bucket at Macey's on sale right now and regularly $99.00 - 109.00. If you sign a contract with Wise Company to have the buckets delivered to your home, they charge $115.00 a bucket and you are under a monthly contract. I love the product (especially the packaging) as an addition to my food storage. I have been working on my food storage following your suggestions on this site and simply thought they would be something different and great for the boys to take to Scout Camps. I signed a 13 month (13 bucket) contract and will end up paying $455.13 more than I would have paid at Macey's! Good product, just don't pay more than you have to!

  2. Thanks for the recipe update. I'm excited to try this again. =)
