Wednesday, July 1, 2009

So..I had a taste-off contest of strawberry jam. After having my freezer strawberry jam not set up quite as thick as I would have liked, I took everyone's advice and tried making the cooked strawberry jam. It turned out PERFECT and didn't take much longer than the freezer jam. I am now converted to cooked strawberry jam!

(Yes, my mom's 30 year old canner is not the prettiest thing, but it does the trick:)

*Sorry, I can't post the recipe because I threw away my MCP Liquid Pectin box. I have used both liquid and powder and they seem to work the same--liquid was just on sale. I followed the recipe on the box exactly and it worked great!


  1. Can we get your cooked strawberry jam rec?

  2. I made cooked strawberry jam this year too and I absolutely love it. It tastes so much better than store bought. I definitely plan on doing it again next year.

    Oh and I just wanted to say that I'm really impressed with your pantry. For right now, our food is stored wherever in the house I can clear a shelf, but someday when we have our own home, I want to have a pantry/cold room.

  3. I love freezer jam. I have never made the cooked kind--just the "stir-and-dump-it-in-the-bottle" kind. I had someone bring me a bottle of freezer jam the other day that had the same problem as you stated--it just didn't really set up. My freezer jam always sets up beautiful. I think this mostly has to do with the brand of pectin you use. I always use MCP pectin (yellow box) and just follow the instructions inside the box. Would love to know other people's thoughts on this.

  4. I love freezer jam. I have never made the cooked kind--just the "stir-and-dump-it-in-the-bottle" kind. I had someone bring me a bottle of freezer jam the other day that had the same problem you described--it just didn't set up. I have decided that the difference has to do with the brand of pectin used to make the jam. I have always used MCP pectin and just followed the instructions in the box. My raspberry and strawberry jam (never tried another kind) has always set up really nice and thick. Would love to know other readers thoughts on this.

  5. I do cooked jam, but freeze it, so you don't have to process it. Just a little tip. and it's delicious, i never do freezer jam!

  6. I threw away the pectin package that had the recipe--sorry! I just used the liquid pectin box (I think it was MCP?). It was something like 2 c. fruit, 4 c. sugar, 2 T. lemon juice and a package of liquid pectin. You then cook it while it is boiling for 2 minutes and then process it in the canner.

    I LOVE the tip though of putting the cooked jam in the freezer--brilliant!

  7. I make cooked strawberry jam almost every year. I use the sure-gel brand of pectin and I don't have to process in a water bath. I just cook the jam according to the recipe, fill my jars, and then wait to hear that beautiful "pop" sound of the jars sealing. Its fast and super easy. My kids won't eat strawberry jam from the store.

  8. I made jam "the hard way" and did cooked jam but instead of processing it my mom told me to turn the jars upside down after you put in the hot jam. If you immediately put the cooked jam into the jars, put on the lids and turn them upside down to cool they should all seal. I just let them sit on the counter until cooled and then checked them and they all had sealed. I used all pints, but I did have one 1/2 pint that did not seal. Maybe it didn't stay hot long enough to create a seal. They have worked perfect and I can store them on the shelf instead of take up freezer room. P.S. My best jam batch came from the MCP pectin and just use the recipe on the box exact.

  9. Now you CAN'T say something like that and not post the recipe. I want to try too! : )

  10. Don't fret if your freezer jam didn't set up---just use it for pancake syrup---it tastes great!!!

  11. Don't fret if you freezer jam doesn't set up---just use it for pancake syrup---it works wonderfully and tastes great!!

  12. I don't you my wath bath. I just turn the jar over upside down and back up. It saves a lot of time.

  13. I have the same exact canner as you! Mine is being put to use making mango raspberry jam as I type!
