Wednesday, June 24, 2009

An easy way to store water

This is one of the easiest ways to store water in your home. When you are through with your plastic 2 liter pop bottles or juice containers that are CLEAR, rinse them out with water and then fill them up for your emergency water supply. If you have bottles that have colored plastic, use that water for washing and NOT drinking. The die in the bottle can supposedly seep into the water and can be bad for you. I have these stored in my basement, at the bottom of my pantry, under my children's beds, and even in my car. If you live in a place that has treated water (check with your local city), you no longer need to put bleach in your water when you are storing it. If your water is not treated, you can use the measurements below to help ensure your water is safe to drink.

*Boil water vigurously for 3-5 minutes.
*Put 8 drops of Chlorine Bleach (unscented) for every gallon of CLEAR water & wait for 30 minutes before drinking
*Put 24 drops of Chlorine Bleach (unscented) for every gallon of CLOUDY water and wait for 60 minutes before drinking

If when you open the water and it tastes stale, you can flavor the water with Kool Aid, Hot Cocoa Powder, Fruit Drink Mix (you can get from the LDS Cannery for cheap!), etc. These items are good to store to help your children drink the water in an emergency if it didn't taste as fresh as normal. If you are worried about the flavor or purity of the water you can always get a water filter to guarantee the cleanliness of your water (my favorite is the Katadyne Filter). Having a water filter can ease your mind about safe water--many of them can turn muddy water into clean/safe drinking water.

You can't have enough water! Even if you didn't use this water for drinking, it would make good cleaning, washing, and cooking water! Another great tips someone told me that I have now incorporated into our storage is to fill up your empty plastic laundry detergent bottles with water. Don't rinse them out, the left over soap in the container will be great for cleaning or clothes washing in an emergency.

Each of our storage spaces are different, so just store as much water as your home is capable of and you will feel peace knowing you have water in an emergency!

The following are some websites with information on purifying and storing water if you would like more information:


  1. Are you sure water no longer has to be treated for storage? Would you please provide the source for this information? I would be interested to read it for myself. I live in an area where the water is NOT treated. Our water comes from a well. Everything I have read to date highly recommendeds that water obtained from a non-treated source be treated first (i.e. with bleach) before storing. If what you write is true, please reference your source so those of us who use/store well water can stop with added assurance. Thank you.

  2. So why don't we have to put bleach in them anymore? I started storing water in our juice containers we go through weekly but was told to put a little in per gallon

  3. I put a few of these in my freezer to make BIG ice cubes to use in case the power were to go out or we needed to grab and go with some parishable foods. They'll keep our food cold and when they melt, we'll have water for cooking or cleaning!

    Loving your blog from Las Vegas =o)

  4. I learned at a county emergency class that you should not drink water that you store in fruit containers because it grows bacteria and to not store them in the garage because the emission will get into the water.

  5. Great idea!
    But why no bleach?
    Have the rules changed?

  6. I noticed that you have modified what you wrote regarding storing un-treated water. Thank you for researching it a bit more. Many of us rely on your website for information regarding food storage, so we have a level of trust that what you write is "expert" information or, at a minimum, information that was thoroughly researched before posting. I appreciate your efforts in helping us better prepare our families.

  7. I have been storing water in pop bottles for a while. My husband is a Coke fiend so I have plenty of bottles for my use. The water can get stale, but shaking it up can get some oxygen back in the water and make it taste a bit better.

  8. If your water tastes stale upon opening, pour it back and forth between two containers. This puts oxygen back into it and restores the fresh flavor.

  9. My mother-in-law used to do this for YEARS and eventually, the bottles deteriorated and leaked ALL be mindful of the time.

  10. You HAVE to read the numbers on the bottom of every plastic bottle. Yes the numbers in the recycling arrows do mean something. They range from #1 to #7. You should never reuse a #1 bottle as they are single use bottles. They are typically the 2 liter bottles shown here. They are very porous and will absorb flavors and bacteria that you can't get rid of.

    Also never store you water on a concrete floor without some barrier between the water and the concrete such as plywood, or something more sturdy. Over time the water will absorb the flavor of the concrete and ruin your water.

  11. This is a great idea for mass storage. You need to always be prepared for disaster situations and this is a great precaution.

  12. I had one question.....hopefully you can answer it. How long can you store water in a clear plastic safe container? Obviously, water that is treated prior to storing.

  13. Water will last for at least six months in a plastic container. If you have a water filter, boil the water, or use purification tablets, you can store the water for much longer and not have to worry about rotating them as often.

    Hope that helps!
