My Food Storage Deals: My Apologies!

My Apologies!

>> Saturday, March 14, 2009

Wow! I just found out something tonight that shows how incompetent I am with computers!!! For nearly TWO years I have spent HOURS & HOURS answering people's comments on my blogs and my sister told me today that my replys were never recieved!! I was sending them to the AHHHH!! I can't think of the hundreds of hours I have lost, but more than that, I feel badly that so many of you think I never answered your questions or comments. SORRY!! I have been told that the only way to recieve my comments or answers to your questions is for you to personally check the 'Email Follow-up Comments' box. I can then answer your comments in the comment section.

I am sure many of you already knew that, but this was news to me!

So, I am posting this post a little wiser than I was earlier today. If any of you can remember your questions, feel free to email me with them again :)


LaDue & Crew March 14, 2009 at 10:50 PM  

You can also go to their blog and leave an answer/ comment on one of their posts. A link to the blog is usually included, and the added benefit is you get to visit other blogs you normally wouldn't have found! Blogging is a never ending education! You are doing a fabulous job... I love your blog!

riverwood April 22, 2009 at 12:34 AM  

can i yous the buckets at walmart to store my grans in if not what kind do i nede and where can i find them think in oregon

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