Monday, December 21, 2009

LDS Dry Pack Cannery Pricing Changes

For those of you who live near an LDS Dry Pack Cannery, their prices will be going up as of January 16th. Check with your local Dry Pack Cannery to see when they are open, so you can go and take advantage of the lower prices before they go up! Most canneries are closed until January 5th, but check your local store and see if their times/openings are different.

The items that will be increasing in price are the following:

*Dry Powdered Milk 25lb. $35.40 (up $10 from before--stock up NOW before the 16th to get the AMAZINGLY low price of $24.80!!)

*Hard Red Wheat 25lb. $6.35 (up .45--not too bad, but why not save a few pennies)

Other items that will be higher from .45-$2.35 higher: pinto peans, sugar, oats, hot cocoa, fruit drink mix, and pancake mix. Stock up while prices are low!

Some good news..a few items will be going DOWN in price, they are the following:
black and white dried beans, rice (by $1.90--this is a GREAT deal!), macaroni, potato flakes (by $8--WOW, GREAT price!!!), and flour (flour still less expensive at Sam's Club and Costco).

Hope this update helps you get motivated to go and stock up before prices rise. OR..for those items that are less, wait and stock up when prices will be even lower--FUN!

**Just a reminder, most canneries do NOT mandate that you are LDS to purchase items at the cannery. Call your local dry pack cannery and find out what their policies are :)


  1. Wow thanks for the heads up. Sounds like I've gotta get over there for milk asap!

  2. Oh man I wish I had someone to go with me or for me in Vegas. I could use a couple bags of the milk.

  3. Thank you for the heads up! I have the cannery on my "to do" list for more powdered milk and wheat. I really appreciate it!

  4. The Greedy's (above) read my email to you!

    Our date is the 12th here in Las Vegas. I will double check today to see about the price increases and whether they will affect us or not. For certain you can get the bulk bags of milk that day; don't worry!

  5. Thank you for the price increases; I have let my ward know. We wil have the old prices since we are going on the 12th.

  6. This is a huge help. Thank you for making food storage so much easier to do. I'm headed to the cannery tomorrow.

  7. Our milk at the cannery in Boise is actually going down almost $2. So call before you hurry and buy!
