Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Pretzel Maker here we come!!

These homemade pretzels were absolutely amazing! Dip them in mustard and you will feel you are the mall at the Pretzel Maker (only BETTER!!). I am going to make these again and play around with different flavors--Parmesan, cinnamon & sugar, etc. They were not hard to make either, so give them a try! They made the perfect after school snack.

*Wrapping the pretzels took a little practice. Don't give up, just keep twisting and you will get it.

*Boiling the raw dough pretzels was an unusual step, but made the pretzels have that perfect chewy texture. Don't over boil them though, or they get soggy and too mushy.

Homemade Soft Pretzels
Recipe courtesy Alton Brown, 2007
Makes 8 pretzels
1 1/2 cups warm (110 to 115 degrees F) water
1 tablespoon sugar
2 teaspoons kosher salt
1 package active dry yeast
22 ounces all-purpose flour, approximately 4 1/2 cups
2 ounces unsalted butter, melted
Vegetable oil, for pan
10 cups water
2/3 cup baking soda
1 large egg yolk beaten with 1 tablespoon water
Pretzel salt

Combine the water, sugar and kosher salt in the bowl of a stand mixer and sprinkle the yeast on top. Allow to sit for 5 minutes or until the mixture begins to foam. Add the flour and butter and, using the dough hook attachment, mix on low speed until well combined. Change to medium speed and knead until the dough is smooth and pulls away from the side of the bowl, approximately 4 to 5 minutes. Remove the dough from the bowl, clean the bowl and then oil it well with vegetable oil. Return the dough to the bowl, cover with plastic wrap and sit in a warm place for approximately 50 to 55 minutes or until the dough has doubled in size.

Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F. Line 2 half-sheet pans with parchment paper and lightly brush with the vegetable oil. Set aside. Bring the 10 cups of water and the baking soda to a rolling boil in an 8-quart saucepan or roasting pan.

In the meantime, turn the dough out onto a slightly oiled work surface and divide into 8 equal pieces. Roll out each piece of dough into a 24-inch rope. Make a U-shape with the rope, holding the ends of the rope, cross them over each other and press onto the bottom of the U in order to form the shape of a pretzel. Place onto the parchment-lined half sheet pan.

Place the pretzels into the boiling water, 1 by 1, for 30 seconds. Remove them from the water using a large flat spatula. Return to the half sheet pan, brush the top of each pretzel with the beaten egg yolk and water mixture and sprinkle with the pretzel salt. Bake until dark golden brown in color, approximately 12 to 14 minutes. Transfer to a cooling rack for at least 5 minutes before serving.


  1. I worked at Pretzel Time for several years in high school - you can save yourself the boiling water step/egg yolk step by taking a semi-shallow dish, putting in a couple cups of warm water and a couple tablespoons of baking soda. Stir in the soda and the whole pan of water should be a cloudy color. Then just dip the whole pretzel in that, lay on a pan for the oven, sprinkle with salt and bake. It is much easier than what you are doing, I promise! And the dipping takes all of 2 seconds per pretzel, and really, you can do multiple in one dip. And if you really want to be critiqued... your pretzel needs one more turn in the middle to be a true pretzel. :)

  2. Perfect timing! I've been wanting to throw a "twisted" theme party and thought I'd have to settle for making pretzels out of refrigerated dough. Thanks!

  3. Thanks for the recipe and photos! My husband recently came home from the store with a huge can of condensed nacho cheese! I asked my kids what we should use it for (other than nachos) and they all said we should make soft pretzels like the ones at the mall. So now I have a great recipe, thanks to you! My kids will be happy!

  4. Just made them today with cin. and sugar...mmmmm.....

  5. i have made these before and they are great-the recipe may seem difficult because it has some unfamiliar tecniques, but its easy and worth learning. my family gobbled them up.

  6. I'm a big fan of you. I've been studying food storage this year to improve my knowledge. Since there isn't much information in Portuguese (my native language) I've been studying on American blogs/sites. Sometimes it's quite to difficult to choose where to get information once they're abundant in English. I think much information may also confuses so I've chosen the most clearest ones and I'd like you to know that your blog is my favorite one. Thank you much. You're such an example for me. You're linked on my blog Sociedade de Socorro Online (in English it means Relief Society Online). Hugs from Brazil

  7. Of course now I see this recipe after I started my low-carb diet... Great. At any rate, looking delicious!

  8. I think we are going to test these out on Sunday. Thanks much!

  9. oh my, these are amazing and really not that hard. Thanks for the recipe
