Thursday, August 27, 2009

Another GREAT food storage recipe--Homemade Biscuits

Hey ya'll, here is a GREAT southern recipe for Biscuits and Gravy. Throw some fresh fruit on the side and you have a delicious breakfast--or dinner! Nearly every item in the biscuits can be found in your food storage and freezer (butter). These would be great to make in an emergency if you did not want to cook a yeast bread. You could use them with sandwiches, for breakfast, or as a side dish with dinner.

Americas Test Kitchen did it again with this great recipe!

Buttermilk Biscuits
Makes 12
2 c. flour
1 T. cornstarch
2 t. baking powder
1 t. sugar
1/2 t. baking soda
1/2 t. salt
8 T. butter, cut into 1/4 in. cubes and chilled
3/4 c. cold buttermilk (or 1/4 c. milk & 1 t. lemon juice--you could also use powdered milk if you didn't have milk on hand with the lemon juice)

Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Put all of the dry ingredients into a large bowl and mix with a wisk. Scatter the butter evenly over teh top and pules to combine, about 12 pulses (or use a dough blender/pastry knife to cut butter into dry ingredients). Stir in the buttermilk with a spatula until the mixture forms a soft, slightly sticky ball. Do not over mix. Divide the dough into 12 even pieces (I just grabbed balls and eyeballed 12). Roll into a rough ball and place on an ungreased baking sheet. If you want cute and evenly formed biscuits you can roll the dough out onto a floured counter, roll the dough out, and use a cup to make perfectly shaped biscuits. Bake until the biscuit tops are light brown, 10-12 minutes. Serve warm with jam or gravy.

*For the gravy, I just made a country gravy with 1 lb. sausage, flour, butter, salt & pepper, and milk. I cooked the sausage until done and set aside. I then made a quick roux with flour and butter and then added the milk. I let simmer until the gravy thickened and then added salt & pepper to taste. Delightful!


  1. This looks like something my grandma would make. Thank you for all the yummy recipies!

  2. I want to try this recipe but I am confused about the butter part...
    You say to mix the dry ingredients in a bowl with a wire wisk but then to pulse in the butter. Pulse it with what? Do I transfer it into a Bosch mixer? I don't know how chilled butter will mix into dry ingredients without going lumpy. sorry I'm so confused.. but I'd love to give this a try. I've been looking for a biscuit recipe for my food storage!

  3. I have a question too. When I was making the biscuits, I either measured the flour wrong, or the amount for the buttermilk is wrong. It was really really dry, so I added about another 1/4 cup buttermilk. Can anyone help me?

  4. You are right!!! I am so sorry. The amount of buttermilk is 3/4 c....try it again. It's great!
