Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Running Low? The joys of shopping the sales!

Do you ever go down to your storage room and realize that you are running low on a few items? I went down to my storage room and found that I only have TWO jars of salsa left! How is this possible? I bought several cases only a short time ago--my husband and kids are salsa and chip lovers and I was shocked that it is nearly gone! (Everyone send out good karma into the universe so salsa can go on sale :)

The kids then needed paper towel for cleaning the bathrooms and AGAIN..NO paper towels. I think I have been slacking in my motherly duties lately! Sure enough, I looked through the ads and paper towel was on sale! This made my day :) The bathrooms can now be cleaned again to the children's dismay.

I then needed to restock my pantry sugar bucket and found that my sugar bin was nearly half gone--aahh!! I don't know about you, but this started to give me anxiety! haha! You can imagine my relief when last week at Albertsons they had their C&H sugar on sale so I could restock my sugar supply. We can all breathe a sigh of relief...awww. All those people who think I live on the moon will think I FOR SURE DO after looking at my sugar tower the kids and I built after our shopping trip :) I just LOVE when items go on sale right at the right time, don't you?!

P.S.--Thanks to everyone who commented on my last post. Who knew that would have sparked such conversation! I had a great time reading through everyone's comments. Thanks for your thoughts, support, and input. I am glad to know I am not the only 'crazy' one :)


  1. I know exactly what you mean! We are low on tp and it will be a true emergency if we run out of that! Haven't found any good sales yet though.....

  2. Would you mind mentioning what you paid for those items?
    I'm always curious as to what things cost elsewhere and what a good sale price is, when it comes to stocking up.

    Also, do you prefer to buy the smaller bags of items vs., the big warehouse size? Just curious as to whether or not there was a reason for buying multiples of the smalls vs., a 25# bag at Sams???

  3. I feel bad, but it made me feel happy that YOU actually have these shortage moments! I go to the storage room and see that I am low on something and freak out that it got so low--luckily it was cereal and we have had some good cereal sales:) I also noticed I have 1 jar of salsa left and am sending out the sale vibes as well:)

  4. There are great deals to be had when using coupons, too. Donna, this is a great reason to purchase the smaller products since if you can get $1 off, use it on something smaller rather than larger! Coupons have really helped me expand my food storage further, they're awesome!
