Thursday, March 19, 2009

We are EXPANDING to Southern California & Nevada!!

We are SO excited to announce that Deals to Meals is expanding! If you are a Southern Califonia or Nevada resident, we are expanding our service to you! Our service is currently for Utah residents, and we are excited announce that now MORE of you will be able to take advantage of the weekly deals and meal planner! Before the year is over we are hoping to also be coming to a state near you...Arizona, Idaho, and Northern California!

If you are a California resident and would like to try our service FREE for the next two weeks, email us at If you are a Nevada resident and would like to try our service, email us at

We will then add your email to our list and send you the deals and meals for FREE until our website is finalized.



  1. That's exciting. I'm moving to Arizona soon so I hope to hear that is goes their soon!

  2. I am from So Cal and have been telling my parents about your website and how much it has helped us stock up our food storage! I am so excited to tell them and all our family, friends and neighbors from back home that they too can benifit from your awesome service! I even blogged about it to tell all of our ward members from back home! (if you could ,You would see me jumping up and down and dancing!)

  3. I'm in Arizona, I hope to hear that you are coming soon!

  4. see if you can try and go Washington state. I love the website!

  5. I'm from Utah, but Tiffanie Sterzer told me about this site & I'd really like to try it. my e-mail is

  6. oh my gosh that is so excitin g because I was really really bummed to read that you are not offering it in northern cali - i live on the boarder of northern cali and northern nv - near reno cool

  7. I feel slighted. Why it California's picture all colored with a smiling sun and Nevada's is boring green?

    JK - Can't wait to get our Nevada deals!!

  8. I am sooooo excited for my California and Nevada friends! Your site will be so helpful to them. Thank you for doing this. Do you get any sleep? I will pass the word along. Having lived in S. CA I know that storage space is limited without basements, but creative food storage is possible. Thank you!

  9. Wish that you would include some of the Southern Utah stores also, such as Lin's, etc.

  10. I have been a subscriber for a while now, but we just moved from Utah to AZ so I canceled. I still check out the blog because you have such good info and I will be sooo excited when you are in AZ. I will for sure come right back!!!

  11. Please come to Idaho!!! I can't wait until you do! Thanks for all your great tips!


  12. We'd LOVE LOVE LOVE to have you in Colorado and Texas!!!
