My Food Storage Deals: We are changing our name!

We are changing our name!

>> Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Watch for BIG changes to My Food Storage Deals coming in March! We are excited to introduce our new name and logo! We are excited to share the new details by the end of this month.

Thank you to everyone for your support this last year. We are excited to offer new & improved pricing and features by our ONE YEAR anniversary. What a year this has been!

We would love your help...for those who are willing. We are working on the testimonials page of our new website and I would love to hear your success stories this past year. Have any of you increased your food storage supply while using My Food Storage Deals? Do the recipes help make your life easier? HOw has having your food storage helped you in your life? Do you have pictures of your food storage? We would love to share your experiences and thoughts on our new website. You can send us your pictures or email us your thoughts/stories/testimonials to

Thank you and happy shopping!


Laura March 4, 2009 at 3:10 PM  

Your new name and logo is darling! I can't wait to see the new changes. I'll send you an email once I get some things organized. Thank you for all you do!

Anonymous March 4, 2009 at 6:25 PM  

Ooh I love the name!! I also love your blog.


Anonymous March 4, 2009 at 8:23 PM  

Love it! You obviously have an excellent graphic artist, though I'd tell him or her to toss the apron on the woman's image--that's way too "frilly housewife" for my tastes. I'm a food storage buff and a whiz in the kitchen, but I don't tramp around in frilly June Cleaver garb the way your image potrays it! Instead, I wear either a stylish, modern-day apron (the ones that look like chic work vests) or just my everyday clothes. When I'm going to cooking sites, I get turned off by stifling images like that--but other than that, it all looks AWESOME! :)

Angela March 4, 2009 at 8:50 PM  

I love it!

Jen March 4, 2009 at 11:31 PM  

I love the apron! I saw a news clip on for "Flirty Aprons" (I think was the name) and the are so cute and stylish I think everyone should have one! I think it's great to "get back to basics" and get back in the kitchen. The "working woman" in the business clothes has been glamorized long enough. If you've ever been a working mom trying to raise kids, take care of your home and husband and be a good housewife
it's NOT THAT GLAMOROUS! I would rather be home in a frilly apron!!!

Eliza March 5, 2009 at 2:29 PM  

I love the update, it looks so stylish and user friendly.

I haven't used your service long enough to add a testimonial, but I came across this blog as I was preparing to teach an enrichment activity. I Watched the video you put up on Jan. 25th and I found it helpful and motivating. This is such a fun blog to look at and I was immediately drawn into it, it is so addicting. In one month (using your tips and suggestions) I have increased my food storage more than I have in the past 6 months and I only went over my monthly grocery budget by $3 - not bad!!

Angela March 5, 2009 at 4:15 PM  

I love the new look and name of your business. I disagree about the apron. I think it is cute and I wouldn't change a thing.

Brooke March 5, 2009 at 4:51 PM  

Love it! But I was wondering because I saw on Studio 5 the other day, they had a lady on from and she was showing how to make different mixes with things like powdered butter, powdered eggs, shortening...that kind of stuff. They sounded good but the prices on her website seem kind of high. Do YOU know if these things are worth buying, where to buy them and will it really save $? Just wondering because you seem so knowledgeable about prices and such. Maybe it's a silly question and I'm not even sure if I should have asked in your comment box but I did! Sorry!

Shanda March 6, 2009 at 9:34 PM  

I missed the enrichment activity you did for our ward yesterday... So thought I would get online and see what it was all about. Anyway, it looks like you provide a great service! I LOVE the new look of your website because to be honest with you I was really turned off at first by the look of your old one. But I KNOW (from personal experience) that it takes a long time to build a business. WAY TO GO! I'm excited for you and thinking about signing up :) It looks like the easiest "coupon" shopping around (because I CAN'T DO IT MYSELF, it's WAY too stressful and not worth the money savings for me)

Shanda March 6, 2009 at 9:39 PM  

P.S. I think you need to put a link on your blog that goes DIRECTLY to your My Food Storage Deals (.com) website so that people can EASILY check that out (I put a link on my personal blog to your blog, so people could check this out for themselves...)

Rachel March 6, 2009 at 10:27 PM  

I'm excited about your service! I just found it a couple weeks ago and have been checking in. All your ideas are so motivating- basic, easy, and useful. I'll be looking forward to seeing your new website up and running and signing up soon! Thanks for all your efforts!

Utah Boating March 8, 2009 at 12:11 PM  

Excellent New look. I really like the simple/clean feeling. I'm excited to see what you have in the near future!

And as long as we're taking a poll I think the Apron CAN stay. ;)
(Great design!!!)

Valerie March 9, 2009 at 8:56 AM  

I have learned so much from your blog, and appreciate your shopping service. I am extcited for your new website. Darling! Best wishes.

The McClellan Clan March 9, 2009 at 10:15 PM  

I just made your bread, but I'm not the healthy nut and I did just white flower. It was awesome!!! Thank you so much. It was my very first time EVER making banana bread. I'm just not a baker. Thank you.

I also having been trying to get on your website as a member. Its not letting me. can you email me please. Thank you so much. I LOVE all your doing.!!

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