Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Deliciously Moist Banana Bread

If you have ever had dry, flavorless banana bread, you need to give banana bread another try! This recipe is a family favorite and once you try it, you will NEVER go back to your old recipes again! It is fabulous as a bread..or you can put the batter in a 9x13 cake pan and frost with homemade cream cheese frosting! Yum! Give this old time favorite another try :)

Banana Bread

1 ¼ c. sugar
½ c. margarine
1 c. banana pulp (2 bananas)
4 T. sour cream
2 eggs
1 ½ c. flour (wheat flour tastes great in this recipe! You could also do 1/2 white & 1/2 wheat)
1 t. soda
1 t. vanilla
½ t. salt

Cream butter and sugar together. Beat in eggs and add. Dissolve soda in sour cream and add with flour and rest of batter. Grease bread pan and flour. Cook at 350 for 1 hour and 10 minutes (or until toothpick comes out clean). Check at 1 hour.

**Tip: Do you ever have bananas on your counter that are too dark and ripe to eat, and you feel badly throwing them away. These are PERFECT banana bread bananas. If you don't have time to make banana bread right away, peel the banana and put it in a ziploc bag to freeze. I keep a zip loc bag with ripe bananas in my freezer at all times. When you are ready to bake, pull them out, microwave or let them thaw and you will have delicious banana bread in about an hour. You know the saying..waste not, want not :)


  1. Thanks for this recipe. And for the great tips about the bananas in the freezer. I remember seeing black bananas in my Grandma's freezer and thought it was yucky and weird. I never thought about peeling them and freezing, duh! Thanks! I can't wait to try this!

  2. Thanks for the tip! I never thought to peel it and freeze it. I was just about to throw one out.

  3. Yea! I love bread recipes! Say, do you ever freeze them afterwards? What about freezing your Lion House rolls in little balls like rhodes does? I just wonder if it still rises eventually...

  4. Another great use for frozen, peeled bananas is to add them to smoothies. I make green smoothies (green grapes, frozen bananas and spinach) and thanks to the bananas, this smoothie is naturally sweet and creamy. (they'd be great in ANY smoothie) Honestly, I haven't given anyone a green smoothie that hasn't loved it. Check it out on youtube... As for the frozen rolls, rather than bother freezing, thawing and baking the dough (hours), I keep a big bag of frozen BAKED rolls in my freezer. I heat them in a toaster oven for about five minutes at 350 and they taste freshly baked.

  5. Oh I want to eat this right now!!

  6. I just recently used whole wheat in my banana bread recipe, and you can't even tell! I also add frozen blueberries--YUMMY! Just another way to use whole wheat if you have a grinder and needs ways to incorporate it into your meals.

  7. Freeze those banana peels and plant one full banana peel with each of your tomato plants this spring. Also might try old fashioned (paper matches made with sulfer) and 1 bb gun pellet (the little copper ones) with the banana peel before adding the tomato plant (seedling). Good luck.
