Sunday, January 25, 2009

Three Easy Steps to Getting Your Food Storage

**Clarification: 14 gallons of water for a TWO WEEK supply..NOT 14 gallons per day :) It is recommended to have 28 gallons for two weeks of drinking, washing, & cleaning water per person.


  1. I really like the video - nicely done. I'm sure Di helped too so good job to you too Diana. All of the info was helpful thanks for using your talents to bless so many - I love you Shan.

  2. Great video! Very informative. I would have liked to see your freezers too. Thanks for your help!

  3. I can't see the video for some reason, but I wanted to congratulate you on your success... it does seem like you're out there to help families -- and there's no better goal then that!

  4. This was such a great video! Thanks for putting it together. :-)

  5. You said 14 gallons of water per person per day---I thought this was the amount for a 2 week supply. Then another 14 for cleaning per person for 2 weeks. A total of 28 gallons per person for 2 weeks is what I have planned for--is this right? 14 gallons a day seems extreme.

  6. WOW--I am so excited you're getting famous! ; ) Congrats on the video and KSL--you did a great job, and I love that I already benefit from all your wisdom. Thanks again!

  7. Loved this video! It really helps me figure out where to start. I wrote down everything you said and plan on implementing some of the ideas. Thanks!

  8. I live in a small town with one grocery store that is outrageous with it's prices, I would love to join and get some help, but how can I make this work when I would have to drive out of town every week in order to get the good deals. Any suggestions. I live 50 minutes from any walmarts, maceys or any other stores.

  9. I am just starting to stock up and it is addicting after you see that you are actually getting alot of food and cheap. That is what held me up for so long. I have 4 kids and know that I need to be ready to take care of them. Haveing storage makes me feel like a good mom & wife.
    Thank you for the video, I am going to download the inventory sheet right now!!
    Great job on the news too, my husband came running out of the bedroom to tell me that you were on so that I could watch it!
    Thanks again!

  10. Hi! Love the video. And the news story was great too! Just need some clarification on water supply. FEMA recommends storing 1/2 gallon water per day per person for drinking. (obviously you could store more for small children, nursing mothers, elderly, and we drink double in the heat)
    The LDS church website gives links to the FEMA website. That would be 7 gallons for drinking for a 2 week period. How did you come up with the 28 gallon supply for 2 weeks?

  11. Hey...can I just say that I LOVE this blog! You have a wonderful talent for being prepared. Thank you for sharing it with all of us! You have really inspired me! I am just trying to start my saving and storing plan, this blog is a great resource! I also have a blog where I like to feature other blogs that I think are great. I like to ask permission first, so I was wondering if I could feature yours! It is just starting, so there isn't much on there yet. I don't expect any compensation, I just like to share good ideas! Check it out and let me know what you think, and then you can email me at The blog is Thanks! And I can't wait to start storing!

  12. I've really enjoyed reading this blog and feel much more motivated to work on my years supply so THANK YOU! I had a question. On your stock up sheets you equate 1 lb of beans with one can of beans, but a 1 lb bag of beans cooks up to be 6 cups which is more than 3 cans.... so are the numbers for 60 lbs of dried or canned beans?

  13. The video was very informative and I am amazed at your storage! Did your husband make your shelves for you? Is there anywhere I could find instructions on how to do this? (Not very handy, if you can't tell!)

  14. You are my food storage hero! I am so totally inspired by your great tips and site. Thanks so much for all the hard work you do to make it easier for the rest of us. Keep up the good work.


  15. thank you so much for making all this so much easier to understand.

  16. I found a guy on KSL selling those metal barrels for $10 thought I'd share in case anyone was interested here's his info...Art @ 801-533-8029 or

    BTW - Thanks for all your motivation and hard work with this site and helping all of us out! I can't wait to really see my food storage grow!

  17. I see that you buy your wheat in 25 pound bags from the cannery and I want to do the same, but what do you do with the wheat after you have opened the gigantic bag? Where do you store it then?

  18. Your site has been just what I've been looking for! I saw you on the news and was motivated to get going - in fact I got off the couch right after to look at your site. Thanks for the shopping/deal advice, especially. One question - what do you do with so many bottles of ketchup?? I'm at a loss!

  19. Hi, my friend just introduced me to your website. I love it! I'm really trying to get my one year food storage put together and am loving your ideas and tips. I have a few questions for you. How do you find all the good sales at the grocery stores? And how do you know when it's a really great sale? Also, how do you get things for such good deals? Do you use coupons? Anyway, love the website! What a great job you've done.

  20. I am so happy that I found your blog.
    This is amazing. I will come back and "study" your blog.
    I have a strong testimony having a food storage at home.
    We are in the process of moving so once we moved in I can keep building our food storage.
    Thank you for sharing this blog with all of us!

  21. Thank you so much for your services! I'm loving it!! I run boutiques all over the valley and I'd love to have you for a vendor! It would be another easy way to get the word out. If you are interested, please e-mail me and I'll send you all the fun details!

  22. Where is the best place to buy the gallon drums and the spikets?

  23. I loved your video. You are inspiring. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
