Monday, November 24, 2008

Thanksgiving Deals!

I often talk about stocking up once a year...well, this is one of the weeks I mean that literally! Certain items this week will NOT go less expensive until NEXT Thanksgiving. If you stock up on these items and buy as close to a year supply (as you can afford) you will not have to buy these items again until next year. Why is that smart? Because you will not have to pay full price for these items again! Some of the items you should stock up on this week (and buy your year supply of) are the following: canned cranberries, canned pumpkin, stuffing, olives, whipping cream, cool whip, frozen vegetables, fresh cranberries (freeze for later), cream cheese, chicken broth, turkey, ham, etc. To find out where and at what prices to buy these items, become a member of My Food Storage Deals today!
30 Whipping Creams
(Great to freeze for cream soups, sauces, alfredo, desserts (doesn't whip well, but can be used IN recipes, etc.)
5 Stalks Celery (I am dehydrating some for my food storage)
7 Cans Cranberry
2 bags Cranberries
4 Apple Pie Filling
12 cans Pumpkin
9 Stove Top Stuffing
4 Boxes Wheat Thins
15 8oz. Cream Cheeses (This does freeze! I have tried it and as long as you completely thaw out the cream cheese and whip it well, it becomes smooth again. Fabulous!!)
5 Sour Creams
5 Dozen Eggs
10 lbs. Broccoli
15 cartons Cool Whip
20 lb. frozen Corn
15 lb. frozen Peas

Spent $111.07
Saved $98.76
(Saved nearly $100's from Walmarts ALL READY low prices!)


  1. Can you freeze sour cream? And do you use eggs that quick- or do you freeze those also?

  2. Question?!
    I have tried freezing whip cream, but it never seems to thaw right, thus not whipping. Any suggestions?

  3. You mean whipping cream, as in the kind you whip yourself? That freezes well? If so, it's really good to know.

  4. I tried the whip cream thaw too but it came out kind of separated - it did work fine in the soup I was making though...

  5. Several people have emailed me about how to use frozen whipping cream. Once whipping cream has been frozen you can use it in cream soups, pasta sauces, desserts, etc. It WON'T beable to whip into normal whipped topping, but it can be used IN desserts (like mousses, bread pudding, etc.). As long as you completely thaw out the whipping cream you shouldn't have any of the seperation problems, that can happen if it is still frozen. Either way however, if you cook the cream, it will become smooth again and work fine in your recipes.

  6. Your food storage room is MY inspiration! :)

  7. I just found your blog and I am seriously in love! I wish I lived around those grocery stores so I could join your service. This is probably one of the greatest websites ever! I have told my friends about it and I am going to add your blog to my blog roll. Thank you so much for sharing this with people. Great stuff!

  8. Here is a great link for how to make your own sour cream, using all that wonderful whipping cream that I now know you can freeze!

  9. Wow. I just found your website. I did want to mention that you can freeze eggs for use in baking. Here's a link that tells about it:

  10. Sour cream and cream cheese are both good long after the "expiration" dates. As long as the sour cream has not had the seal broken, it can last 1-2 months after the date. Cream cheese, unopened, can last in the refrigerator for months after the date.

    Another thing to stock up on in November is turkey. I aim for 7 19-20lb turkeys at $6 each. Usually you have to buy $25 worth of items at my local Smith's to get that price. I buy potatoes at 26 cents a pound; about 250 lbs worth (if you can keep them cool, they are wonderful at that price!) as part of my $25 each time. My grandmother also picks up a few for me on each of her shopping trips.

    You can cook the turkeys and freeze the meat, or you can can them and the broth in a pressure canner.
