Thursday, October 16, 2008

Life's Lessons

I don't know about you, but the last few weeks of economic uncertainty have had me ponder more deeply on the affairs of my family-economically, spiritually, financially. I was reading online an article written by Glenn Beck and thought it had some good advice in it on how we can prepare our families for what is to come. The link is . I think sometimes Glenn Beck can be a little much, but overall he had some great ideas to keep in mind with the upcoming election, the stock market 'crash' and how to prepare our families for what is to come. It isn't something we have never heard before, but another great reminder. He was talking the other day on his show about how for many of us the hardships of the economy have not hit home and that we need to prepare NOW, before they do--because he claims they will effect everyone eventually.

I can testify of the importance of this! About 5 months ago my husband lost his job of 10 loyal years. It came at us without any warning and has been a life changing experience for him and our family. Our income was cut more than in half and we soon realized how volatile and unsure a persons future can be. Just when life seems to be going smoothly it seems to throw you a curve ball that helps you learn many important lessons. I tell you this not for sympathy (there are obviously much worse trials we could go through), but to encourage those of you who have not been effected by the curant economic downturn to NOT delay and begin to get your houses in order. We have learned many things in these last 5 months and I thought I would share a few (thanks for humoring me :)
*There is safety in counsel! One of my favorite talks was given by President Henry B. Eyring titled "Safety in Counsel" is a link if you are interested( )
*When we listen to the counsel of our inspired leaders we will be blessed! I can't tell you the peace of mind it brings knowing that our family has plenty of food to eat and our basic necessities taken care of. It seems silly to say that food storage is a spiritual matter--but it truly is! As you follow the counsel and begin to get prepared you will find that it becomes a spiritual and an uplifting experience, for you and your whole family.
*There has been counsel given to 'treat debt like the plague'. Thankfully we have been able to do this and what a blessing this has been for our family! When income has been scarce, it has been a blessing to not be obligated to pay anyone (except our mortgage company). President Monson has said, "Many more people could ride out the storm-tossed waves in their economic lives if they had their year's supply of food...and were debt free. Today we find that many have followed this counsel in revers: they have at least a year's supply of debt and are food-free."
*Material items don't mean as much as I thought they did. The peace of mind that comes when we are prepared is MUCH more important than having material goods. It has been a great wake up call for us to focus on the things that bring true happiness and lasting joy.
*We should not get overwhelmed. President Hinckley has said, "Begin in a small way...and gradually build toward a reasonable objective." We will be blessed if we will begin!

I am grateful for life's lessons, and trials, that help us to become better. May God bless each of you as you strive to prepare your family for an uncertain future and may you find 'joy in the journey' as we all are learning and growing together!


  1. Thankyou for that! I really needed to hear that even starting small we will be blessed.

  2. Awesome post Shanny! I think you mentioned every favorite quote. You are my hero. I love you!

  3. Thanks. I appreciated your insight and your family is consistently in our prayers.

  4. Hi, so I wanted to tell you I've officially started my food storage. today I went out and bought 100lbs of sugar. I feel so official. I hope I can continue this. I'm just going to do it a little at a time, but I'm excited to get it going. Katie

  5. Our family has been thrown the curve ball, and we are so thankful we had a year supply and money in the bank. After 18 mos of unemployment, we are so thankful we were prepared. You never know, I worry about those who don't think it will happen to them. Thanks for your inspiration.

