Monday, September 29, 2008

Need some more fiber in your diet?

If you have a lot of wheat in your food storage like I do, I am always trying new ways of incorporating it into my families diet. If you have had this as a child, I would recommend trying it again. I have enjoyed it much more in my adult years than I did as a child ;)

Wheat is a GREAT source of fiber. For one cup of wheat you will get 23 grams of fiber--wow! If that won't get you regular, I don't know what will!

How to make wheat berry cereal:

Put 2 c. of wheat in a crock pot with 4 c. water. Turn on medium heat for 2-3 hours, or until wheat is tender and soft. Watch to make sure the crock pot does not run out of water. Add a little extra water if the wheat absorbs the water more quickly than is expected.

When wheat is soft and tender, serve with milk and honey for cereal or add to several of your recipes. Wheat is great to help many recipes stretch. Add a 1/2 c. to your meatloaf, taco meat, meatballs, etc. and you will NEVER know it is their. I just added wheat to my homemade chili and you would never be able to tell it was in there--it was great! Not only will the wheat help your recipes stretch but it will add extra nutrients to your meals as well. Keep a tupperware full of cooked wheat in your fridge and you will be surprised at how many recipes you can throw it into.


  1. Awesome tip! This is one of the most useful posts I've seen in a long time. So glad that you didn't try to get me to "crack" the wheat which always cooks up mushy and never really cracks right anyways. I love the idea of sneaking fiber into other meals. Thanks.

  2. what type of recipes do you throw it into?

  3. I ate the wheat cereal as a kid and still love it today. What a great idea about throwing wheat into random recipes! No idea that it could be hid so well. Thanks for the tip!

  4. What kind of wheat do you use for this? You just throw it in the crock pot you don't grind it or do anything else before?
    It sounds really good.

  5. That's right. I don't grind the wheat, I just leave it whole, put it in the crock pot with some water and you are set! I just use the Red Hard Wheat that I get from the LDS Cannery (they have the best prices by the way!).

    I add the wheat into taco soup, stews, taco meat, meatloaf, etc. Don't get too carried away...a 1/2 cup will go along way and that is 13 grams of fiber you just added to a meal. You don't want to scare your family too badly :0)
