Saturday, August 30, 2008


Diana said...
"What can I say, other than ILOVE IT, I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT!!!! I can't imagine going back to grocery shopping the way I used to--the time and money I save by being a member to My Food Storage Deals is unbelievable--the $8 a month is pocket change compared to what I save EACH time I go to the store! For example, I just got back from Walmart and this is what I got for ONLY $123.58
(see picture):
8 1/2 lbs. of Tyson Chicken Breast, 6 lbs. petite sirloin steak, 6 Ball Park Angus Franks, 5 loaves of Granny Sycamore Bread, 5 dozen eggs, 2 cantaloupes, 11 bags of marshmallows, 4 boxes of hard taco shells, 4 boxes of Capri Suns, 8 Jell-O puddings, 2 lbs. carrots, bananas, 2 cantaloupes, 14lb. seedless watermelon, grapes, 2 gallons of milk, 3 boxes of graham crackers, 2 boxes of Ritz crackers, 4 boxes of wheat thins, 6 lbs. of frozen hashbrowns, 4 lbs. sour cream, 3 cream cheeses, 20 string cheeses, onions, 4 packages tortillas, and cilantro. WOW!! Need I say more???

Bowman Family...
"We have been using your service for three weeks now and love it. Just wanted to say thanks. Our monthly expenses are down and our food storage is up. We did our shopping for this week and only spent $100.00 but came home with more food than we can eat. We have been telling all our friends and family about your service. Here is a picture of our 'loot'." (They matched all of the 'red' deals at Walmart)

"I spent $128.76 and saved (according to their fresh value calculations $248.27 (General Mills Savings) and $29.30 in bonus buy savings…Definitely paid for my membership already! Thank you!** PS – I also went to Smiths and saved over 50% there too!" J

"About 10 years ago while my children were still young, I subscribed to a simlar service which cost me $30 a month and it was sooo worth it. I had the best food storage on my shelves. Now the kids are gone, but I want the security of having a good food storage again. Thank you so much for all of your efforts. I am totally floored by the exceptionally reasonable monthly fee. We will be sharing this web site with the women in our neighborhood next month. I'm sure there will be a lot of excitement over this great information. "

"Can I just say I spent over $1000 in the grocery stores last week? Before you fall over – it is ok – I saved over 50% on almost everything I bought and we have been planning to put our tax rebate to good use building up our food storage – and I would take that over a brand new plasma tv any day! So I love your service and I am telling friends – you are the most reasonably priced service out there."


  1. When do the weekly ads come out and when do they run? Mon-Sat? HELP! Thanks :)

  2. I cann't believe it Di! Bring some of that to colorado!
