Friday, July 18, 2008

Powdered Milk made Drinkable!

I read about this great trick on a food storage blog to help your powdered milk taste better. We ran out of milk yesterday and DID NOT want to go to the store to buy more--mostly because I knew I would leave the store spending more than $2.50. So..we made powdered milk, added a T. of vanilla and a little sugar and it tasted MUCH better! It was a great trick! Even my husband didn't complain :) According to the blog above she said that powdered milk from the Cannery ranges around $1.15 a gallon--that's awesome!! We might just wait a little longer to buy milk at the store.


  1. My food storage contains chocolate syrup, for this very reason. :D

  2. Chocolate syrup, hot chocolate powder and Nesquik are all great options to have in your food storage to help it taste better. Another idea to help your stale water taste better in your storage (if you have to drink it) is to have the powdered fruit drink mix from the cannery. In the 25 lb. bag I think it is around $17 dollars. This would help your children drink it in an emergency if they had too :)

  3. To me the Morning Moo's Powdered milk tastes much better than the cannery powdered milk. My ward did a taste test of all the different powdered milks so we could decided which one we liked the best and put it in our storage. Make sure you leave the milk in the fridge over night or for a day before dinking it. It's also way good as powder in some recipes. I use it all the time in our favorite blender pancakes.yummy! I get the Morning Moo's at Reams. A little more expensive (look for discounts in Ads) but worth it to me in taste if I have to drink it. I'll try this little trick too with vanilla and sugar. I haven't heard of it before and let my ward and friends know too. Thanks for the trick!

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