Saturday, July 19, 2008

A Family Tradition

To many people the idea of having a 'store' in your basement is quite foreign. For me, it has been a family tradition. I was at my cute Grandpa's house the other day and he was proudly showing me his very large and VERY organized storage room. I thought it was so cute I wanted to post it for everyone to see :) He used to be a manager of a Safeway grocery store, so he takes pride in how straight each can is and his little 'grocery store' in his basement. My grandpa came to America from Italy with a single mom and through most of his life has struggled to make ends meet. No matter his economic situation though, he always felt strongly that he needed to provide for his family and follow the council from prophets to get a year supply of food. I admire him for that and so many other wonderful traits. Way to go Grandpa!! If you can do it at the age of 87, then none of us have an excuse ;)


  1. This is my goal!!! Some day when I can actally afford to have a house with the space!

  2. I found your site through Karen's Tips. So glad I found it! Thanks for sharing your tips, recipes, and excitement!

    Your Grandpa is such an inspiration and is adorable!! Thanks for showing us his 'store'. :-)

  3. greater teacher! I love your blog, specially the pictures.
