Monday, April 21, 2008

Food Costs Hit Home--Front Page News Article

Did any of you see the front page of the Desert News? Here is a link to this interesting article that talks about the rising cost of food around the nation This is another GREAT benefit to having your year supply of food. No matter how high the grocery store prices get, when you have your own "store" in your basement and your freezer stocked with food--it won't matter! I have done a lot of research and talked to people who say that gas prices are only going to continue to go up--when gas prices go up, so does food prices. Lets all make it our goal to get our year supply of food in the next year. People have asked me how long it took me to get my year supply. It really only takes about 6 months to a year. If you are buying a couple of items each week to add to your food storage (the "red" items) and shopping at the two case lots a year (in August and February) then you will have a storage room like mine (or better!). It seems overwhelming but I am here to tell you it is EASY--if I can do it, anyone can :)

1 comment:

  1. I have a feeling you're going to be hearing from me a lot :)
    I am really excited to get started, where do I start? I'm really new to this idea, shopping sales, and starting a food storage for my family (of 4).
    Where do you suggest I start and do you shop every store, every week?
